Brewing Success: How Coffee SEO Can Boost Your Business

SEO Coffee SEO for Coffee Shops

Brewing Success: How Coffee SEO Can Boost Your Business

As a coffee enthusiast, you know that a great cup of coffee is worth savoring, and the same goes for your coffee business. Whether you’re running a brick-and-mortar coffee shop or an online store, getting your brand in front of your target audience can be a challenge. That’s where Coffee SEO comes in.

Coffee SEO is the art and science of optimizing your coffee website and online presence to rank higher in search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. By using the right keywords, content, and technical optimizations, you can attract more traffic, generate more leads, and increase your sales. But how do you do it?

In this post, we’ll show you how to get your Java fix with Coffee SEO and online marketing. We’ll cover everything from local SEO and organic traffic to paid advertising and social media marketing. So grab a cup of your favorite brew and let’s get started.

Local SEO for Coffee Shops

If you’re running a brick-and-mortar coffee shop, local SEO is critical to your success. Local SEO is the process of optimizing your website and online presence to rank higher in local search results. When someone searches for a coffee shop in your area, you want to be one of the top results they see.

To improve your local SEO, you should:

  • Claim and optimize your Google My Business listing
  • Get listed in local directories and review sites like Yelp and TripAdvisor
  • Use local keywords in your website content and meta tags
  • Get backlinks from other local businesses and websites

By doing these things, you can improve your chances of ranking higher in local search results and attracting more foot traffic to your coffee shop.

Organic SEO vs. Paid Advertising (PPC)

When it comes to Coffee SEO, there are two main approaches: organic SEO and paid advertising (PPC). Organic SEO is the process of optimizing your website and online presence to rank higher in search engines naturally, while paid advertising involves paying for traffic through programs like Google AdWords and Facebook Ads.

Organic SEO can take longer to see results, but it’s a more sustainable approach that can attract more traffic and generate more leads over time. With paid advertising, you can see faster results, but you’ll need to keep paying for traffic to keep seeing results.

We recommend focusing on organic SEO for long-term success, but incorporating paid advertising into your strategy can be a smart move if you have the budget.

Social Media Marketing for Coffee Shops

Social media is a powerful tool for coffee shops looking to reach new customers and engage with their audience. By creating a strong social media presence, you can increase your brand awareness, build customer loyalty, and even drive more traffic to your website.

Some tips for social media marketing for coffee shops include:

  • Posting high-quality photos and videos of your coffee and coffee shop
  • Running social media contests and giveaways
  • Sharing news and updates about your coffee shop
  • Responding to customer comments and messages promptly

With the right social media strategy, you can create a buzz around your coffee shop and attract new customers.

Coffee Keywords for SEO

To rank higher in search engines like Google, you need to use the right keywords in your website content and meta tags. Here are some coffee-related keywords to consider:

  • Coffee beans
  • Coffee roasters
  • Coffee shops
  • Coffee accessories
  • Coffee grinders
  • Coffee makers
  • Coffee subscriptions
  • Cold brew coffee
  • Espresso
  • French press coffee

By using these keywords in your website content, you can attract more traffic from people searching for these terms.

Coffee SEO – World for Coffee Lover

Coffee SEO Coffee Lovers

As a coffee hobbyist or the fanatic coffee shop owner,  how do you attract new prospects to your business or website? It is not always clear where to start and there are multiple hybrid approaches depending if you’re a local business owner or have a Shopify store online. Many techniques are similar, but traditional coffee marketing techniques have become stagnant leaving business owners wondering what to do in this age of technology. I am not saying that traditional methods are ineffective, but truly they are less impactful versus the way society searches for things today. Doubt me? When was the last time you used the Yellow Pages, newspaper, or magazine when looking for something versus Google, SIRI, or Alexa? Marketing has changed, and your business needs to be found where the client base is moving toward Digital Marketing and Coffee SEO.

This coffee guide is directed toward organic Coffee SEO (search engine optimization) and generating traffic for you and your business through online methods. I offer several other related articles, covering small business tactics and marketing. You can read up on them and familiarize yourself with the Basics of SEO and many are directed toward Do It Yourself (DIY SEO).

Coffee Sales and Coffee Marketing

Google Local Coffee Shop Near Me

Marketing and sales are the lifeblood of any business, and especially with over 2.1 billion people carrying or using a smartphone, there is a huge market open to you.  As a brick and mortar coffee shop, you know location is key with a lot of your success coming from a good location, unique and consumer-friendly environment, alternate coffee-related products, and of course a great cup of coffee. The next few sections are focused on local SEO, paid to advertise, and brand recognition through social media platforms.

Coffee SEO and Local Businesses

What does SEO stand for? The term SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and describes the process of optimizing your content on your website to increase the number of individuals who potentially can find your business (and of course out-rank your competition). For example, if you own a coffee shop in Spring Texas, you ideally want your business to be listed on the first page of Google especially when a prospective customer searches for a coffee shop in your area. You definitely do not want to be outranked by a coffee shop in Houston or in The Woodlands when you are just right down the street.

Marketing your Coffee Shop is easy and I will state that there are many things a business can do to bring customers into their location and it all starts with online marketing and search engine optimization.

Organic SEO for Coffee Shops versus Paid Advertising (PPC)

Focusing on organic SEO or Paid advertising is something you will need thoroughly think about. Both are focused on achieving the same results; however, both have a unique approach and purpose. Let me explain:

  • Organic SEO is a process of optimizing your coffee website to build traffic achieving higher rankings within Google. Once you optimize your website and business using SEO best practices, increased brand awareness and traffic will naturally allow your website allowing you to be displayed more prominently and more often (for free).  The drawback is that the results typically take time.  Advantage: Achieving higher search engine results means less money required for advertising especially in the long run.
    • Statistically, over 90% of users who use Google will find what they are looking for on the first page of Google.
  • Paid Advertising (PPC) is an online advertising methodology where you can pay for traffic using the PPC (Pay Per Click) programs provided by Google Adwords, Yahoo Search Marketing, and others. PPC enables you to display coffee advertisements in the sponsored results section on top of page one in Google (SERP). This is a paid fee system based on how competitive a keyword may be, and traffic will vary based on your marketing budget ($50 to $100 a day). You only pay when a customer decides to click through from one of your keyword ads to your website.
    • I have included a list of suggested Coffee Keywords below. The table offers data on search volume, suggested cost per click, and paid ranking system (higher the number the more difficult). The average cost per click ranges from $1 to $3 each.

For the long term success of a business, I always suggest a company focus on its Organic SEO. Not everyone can sustain a marketing budget based solely on $1 to $3 per click, with no guarantee of a sale. Plus if I haven’t made it abundantly clear… Once your PPC budget runs out, so does your traffic! You know your business best, and what is required to complete each and every day. When discussing Coffee SEO vs PPC, you should think about your sales conversion rates, possible prospect enticements, and percentage of repeat customers. Do you need to know what a new customer is worth to you? Today, Tomorrow, and next year?

Number of Coffee Shops per Capita

Total Coffee Per Capita Consumption

For the majority of coffee lovers, a hot cup of java is not far from reach. Taking into consideration of restaurants, and food outlets, there are 33,129 coffee shops in the United States. Coffee chains represent 18,445 (55%) and are expected to climb another 2 to 5% in 2019. There were an estimated 8.3 billion servings of coffee ordered ending in 2017 and in comparison, the population of the U.S. is 325.7 million with Houston holding 2.3 million – Now that’s a lot of coffee. Statistically, it was revealed that the U.S. per capita coffee consumption of coffee amounted to 2.06 cups per day in 2018.

So, here are a few questions to think on:

  • When was the last time you completed a competitive analysis?
  • What do you do to clearly differentiate yourself in the market?
  • What direction is your business going? Is it clear?
  • What are you doing to capitalize on the market versus your competition?
  • How well do you solve the customer’s problem or needs?
  • What do you offer customers in a form of incentives versus every big chain?
  • How well does your website perform? Is it visually pleasing to customers?
  • How often does your business convert leads to potential sales?
  • How effective is your strategic vision?

A successful business requires planning, direction, and vision. Knowing your market, and what it takes for you to stand out among your competition is going to help you with any marketing strategy. Generating additional customers through organic SEO, paid advertising campaigns, and/ or social media engagement is not only effective but instrumental after plotting the path to your success.

Social Media for Coffee Shops

Are you using Social Media to bring in business? I was speaking to a local coffee shop owner and they simply stated they thought they were too small for any impactful social media strategy. The notion was that customers stopped by his shop because it was local, convenient, and good quality coffee. This is all good; so I asked him if he has enjoyed any substantial sales increases other than those due to the weather. Interestingly enough, the answer was no and settled for a consistent flat sales cycle for the past few years. For him, social media was ineffective and a novelty completely missing brand recognition and the social impact on his establishment. So why should you use social media marketing for your business?

Brand Recognition and Potential Local Consumer Reach

Great service, with a great product, can keep customers coming back; however, that is not always true. The reality is that some times customers need an occasional incentive to come back. Coffee Lovers have every known gadget to man and the true fanatic needs a substitute from their coffee gadgets for better alternatives like freshly brewed in-store coffee. Starbucks and your competition are everywhere, and quality of product and environment alone cannot expand your consumer base – Social Media will help elevate your business by virtually connecting everybody to your business spreading brand recognition to new prospects.

Top Social Media Marketing Strategies

  • Social Media Contests – Instead of the business card container next to the register for a free cup of coffee, ask existing customers to share their favorite coffee picture (of your establishment) on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. It can be a picture of them drinking coffee, the workers in your business, or of the menu. Just tell them to share and Hashtag the photo with #JoesCoffeeShop (#BusinessName or something unique to you). Simply give a few cups of coffee in exchange for a tag. This builds up natural organic engagement without having to do it all yourself.
  • Post Seasonal Greetings and Menu – Holidays are always around the corner. Post upcoming menus, specials, and holiday greetings.
  • Vote Contests – Post on your favorite social media account and offer a Poll or Vote post. Tell customers that everyone who participates will get X, Y, or Z. It takes just a moment and a great way to promote your business.
  • Customer Celebration Posts – Recognize local customers for their patronage – do this daily, weekly, or monthly. Tag customers in pics and offer them a word of thanks. If they haven’t joined, added you as a friend (following), or liked your business pages, make sure to let them know to do so (This is where you will generate your local list).
  • While I’m at it, Add, Follow, and Like me on: Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter 😛  (yes shameless plug)

There are tons of creative ideas and suggestions, what will you come up with?

Blog Post and Business Related Facts

Make sure your website offers unique Coffee MEMEs and posts related to your business or industry. Customers do not always want to be sold something but enjoy the novelty of what you offer. As a coffee lover, we all love those ‘Top 10 Signs you are a Coffee Addict’ or ‘Do you know where your coffee is from?”

Top 10 Signs You are a Coffee Lover (Sample)

Top 10 Signs you are a coffee lover

Life is so black and white! You either love coffee, or you don’t, but in the coffee world, you either take your coffee straight or with cream. No matter how you take your coffee, we all love our cup of Joe (Java). We are sophisticated individuals, a special breed, with certain qualities and quirks to us. Here are my top 10 signs that state you LOVE coffee.

  1. Caffeine has no effect – You are Immune!
  2. Coffee is considered a food group
  3. The smell and aroma of coffee excites you
  4. You are Google’s replacement when looking for a local coffee shop
  5. You are very specific and precise on how you like your coffee.
  6. You have a series of alarms to keep you on schedule for coffee runs
  7. You have multiple personalities depending on how much coffee you consume.
  8. You have your favorite coffee mug amongst a very large collection
  9. You know more about coffee than just decaf or regular
  10. You spend way too much time in coffee shops and in coffee aisles

Popular Coffee Hashtags

The proper use of hashtags can be a very powerful marketing tool; however, we shouldn’t assume that everyone is familiar with hashtags and their use. Knowing, and understanding the proper use of a concept is certainly not the same as understanding it. As such, it’s important to clarify a few basics of using hashtags.

SEO Coffee Selfie Example

Using Hashtags from the Users Perspective

Hashtags are supposed to be used to categorize your content, the feelings it generates, and even events and location; however I see people using hashtags incorrectly. For example, when I pulled #Seflie on Instagram I get 3 pictures out of the first 9 that have nothing to do with a selfie. Maybe we need to clarify the Definition of a Selfie – a photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically one taken with a smartphone or webcam and shared via social media.  It is frustrating when looking for new content having to dig through irrelevant, miscategorized content in order to get to what you’re actually looking for. So all this to say, generate great content that will not offer users a bad experience associated with your brand!

History of Hashtags – Where Did They Come From?

The first use of a hashtag in social media can be traced back to 2007 and a former Google employee by the name of Chris Messina (Worked in developer relations). He has been officially credited as the first individual on social media to use a hashtag (Twitter – Tweet).

How to Use Hashtags – The Basics

Here are my quick rules on using hashtags:

  • Use Hashtags for their intended purpose. Avoid adding too many words together in a single hashtag.
  • If you have a public account or make a post Public, anyone who does a search for that hashtag can find you.
  • Avoid Hashtag Spam – Using too many tags on a single post or adding them to every word is way too much
  • Tweets with hashtags had twice as much engagement than those who didn’t.
  • Use hashtags relevant to your post or topic. Using mismatched hashtags will only create a negative impression of your article, post, and brand.

Suggested Hashtag Limit for Social Media

SEO Coffee Social Media Marketing

We all have our favorite social media platforms. What is the Hashtag Limit for each?

  • Facebook Hashtag Search: As of 2018, Facebook hasn’t offered any official guidance toward the use of hashtags. Taking their suggested post character limit (40 to 80) as a guide (before the MORE link shows up), I would stick to 1 to 2 as a standard. Facebook allows a character limit of 63,206 on each post. Utilizing anything beyond the first 80 characters is not statistically proven to be advantageous.
  • Twitter Hashtags: As long as your account is public, Twitter recommends no more than 2 hashtags per Tweet as best practice. Keep in mind, Twitter users get 280 characters per tweet (Traditional was 140 characters).
  • Hashtags on Instagram: You can use up to 30 hashtags on a post; however Instagram suggests 3 to a maximum of 7 is considered best practice.
  • Popular Pinterest Hashtags: Pinterest has a 500 character limit in your Pinterest description. Pinterest users can use up to 20 hashtags as a rule of thumb.
  • YouTube Tags: Best practices recommend a maximum of 30 hashtags on YouTube. I have seen users attempt to put 30 in the description, and another 30 in the comment section. No statistical data showing how effective hashtags are in the comment section.
  • Tumblr post limit: Tumblr allows users to add up to 30 hashtags to a post; however it has been shown that only the first 20 will work. This applies to original posts and reblogs.

Top 120 Hashtag Results for Coffee

Coffee Hashtags – 01 to 30

#coffee #coffeetime #coffeelover #coffeeaddict #coffeeshop #coffeebreak #coffeegram #coffeelovers #coffeelove #coffeeholic #coffeelife #coffeemug #coffeeoftheday #coffeeart #coffeecup #coffeetable #coffeeporn #coffeehouse #coffeebean #coffeesesh #coffeeshots #coffeebeans #coffeeplease #coffeeculture #coffeeislife #coffeegeek #coffeedate #coffeenclothes #CoffeeBar #coffeeshopvibes

Coffee Hashtags – 31 to 60

#coffeeroaster #coffeeandseasons #coffeeshopcorners #coffeefirst #coffeescrub #coffeeday #coffeelike #coffeetogo #coffeemugs #coffeefix #coffeequotes #coffeestand #coffeeshops #coffees #coffeecoffeecoffee #coffeemachine #coffeetalk #coffeestagram #coffeeaddicts #coffeelatte #coffeesnob #coffeecake #coffeeroasters #coffeeandclothes #coffeeprops #coffeemorning #coffeemaker #coffeevibes #coffeeadict #coffeemoment

Coffee Hashtags – 61 to 90

#coffeedaily #coffeecups #coffeeaddiction #coffeetablebook #coffeeandbooks #coffeecatering #coffeerem #coffeeaddicted #coffeeandseasonsfeatured #coffeeoclock #coffeecozy #coffeefliicks #coffeeshot #coffeejunkie #coffeephotography #coffeeplace #coffeerun #coffeexample #coffeeandcake #coffeeprince #coffeegasm #coffeemood #coffeedrinker #coffeeislove #coffeetruck #coffeeclub #coffeelifestyle #coffeemania #coffeeexample #coffeeblogger

Coffee Hashtags – 91 to 120

#coffeenerd #coffeepic #coffeefarm #coffeeinbed #coffeeschool #Coffeepot #coffeequote #coffeetabledecor #coffeehumor #coffeeMate #coffeeme #coffeebrewing #coffeecoffee #coffeecorner #coffeeroasting #coffeestop #coffeestyle #coffeetimes #coffeefeature #coffeeallday #coffeecart #coffeeeee #coffeeshopsoftheworld #coffeesoap #coffeecafe #coffeecommunity #coffeeenthusiast #coffeeneeded #coffeetablebooks #coffeeworld

SEO Coffee Keyword Overview

The following section is based on data collected November of 2018. This is a reference table to assist in market research and plausible digital marketing SEO campaigns.

  • Search Volume: 2,240,000
  • SEO Difficulty: 61
  • Paid Difficulty: 03
  • Cost Per Click (CPC): $1.83
Keyword (Top 200)  Search Volume  CPC  Paid Difficulty  Search Difficulty
coffee 2240000 1.8316 3 61
coffee near me 673000 3.3815 4 44
coffee shop near me 550000 2.7732 6 36
coffee shops near me 550000 2.7732 6 36
coffee table 246000 1.5845 100 77
coffee machine 110000 0.976 100 77
coffee maker 110000 0.976 100 77
coffee bean 110000 3.7466 31 57
coffee keto 60500 0.5493 100 67
coffee grinder 49500 0.6204 100 62
coffee caffeine 49500 1.4188 2 33
coffee roaster 40500 1.043 84 56
coffee roasting 40500 1.043 84 56
coffee shop nearby 40500 1.6512 69 46
coffee pot 33100 0.8967 100 57
coffee enema 33100 0.722 75 50
coffee cake 33100 0.3964 23 34
coffee places near me 33100 2.9568 4 16
coffee cup 27100 1.7434 93 55
coffee meme 27100 ~ 1 27
coffee creamer 22200 0.9368 100 54
coffee bar 22200 0.7094 100 54
coffee press 22200 0.6718 100 54
coffee house 22200 2.3644 1 25
coffee house near me 18100 2.6678 4 12
coffee quotes 18100 0.3089 1 24
coffee calories 18100 ~ 1 24
coffee ninja 14800 0.5717 100 52
coffee mate 14800 0.4152 94 51
coffee table books 12100 1.5618 100 46
coffee plant 12100 0.3997 68 42
coffee lake 12100 2.027 54 38
coffee brands 12100 1.2075 46 35
coffee filter 9900 0.8445 100 50
coffee grounds 9900 4.7633 63 39
coffee prices 9900 1.9076 9 23
coffee prince 9900 1.9076 9 23
coffee syrup 8100 0.8641 100 51
coffee urn 8100 1.2756 100 50
coffee ground emesis 8100 1.4968 5 17
coffee tree 6600 0.3029 68 40
coffee near me open 6600 3.91 3 7
coffee gif 6600 0.6586 1 20
coffee scrub 5400 0.7123 100 49
coffee delivery 5400 3.5741 47 33
coffee break 5400 2.3767 1 20
coffee script 5400 0.0145 1 20
coffee luwak 4400 0.3175 66 39
coffee stain 4400 5.9215 27 28
coffee latte 4400 0.7702 13 23
coffee joulies 4400 0.8107 7 21
coffee images 4400 1.3491 2 20
coffee emoji 4400 0.5254 2 20
coffee history 4400 2.2249 1 20
coffee gifts 3600 2.0024 100 49
coffee diet 3600 1.1372 100 49
coffee art 3600 0.8954 67 40
coffee club 3600 2.1098 66 39
coffee recipe 3600 2.6476 21 26
coffee quotes funny 3600 0.4876 3 15
coffee nutrition facts 3600 1.9362 2 15
coffee clipart 3600 ~ 1 20
coffee and tea 2900 0.7962 6 15
coffee origin 2900 2.197 2 19
coffee haus 2900 0.3522 1 19
coffee klatch 2900 2.3358 1 19
coffee amazon 2400 1.2918 100 49
coffee in japanese 2400 1.6867 26 21
coffee lover 2400 1.5022 13 22
coffee names 2400 1.4269 6 20
coffee day 2400 0.9459 1 19
coffee wallpaper 1900 0.5797 67 39
coffee icon 1900 1.408 9 21
coffee news 1900 3.7861 4 20
coffee headache 1900 1.4678 2 19
coffee or tea 1900 ~ 1 14
coffee kettle 1600 0.6901 100 48
coffee franchise 1600 3.1098 71 40
coffee zone 1600 1.3687 3 19
coffee union square 1600 ~ 1 14
coffee jar 1300 0.942 100 49
coffee kiosk 1300 1.0738 89 45
coffee shop business plan 1300 4.4462 56 22
coffee vs energy drink 1300 ~ 1 6
coffee barista 1000 1.0209 64 38
coffee to go 1000 1.378 35 24
coffee 7/11 1000 2.1837 21 25
coffee urn walmart 880 0.2769 100 44
coffee diabetes 880 1.1692 52 34
coffee kombucha 880 1.4651 18 24
coffee flower 880 0.4626 4 20
coffee work 880 9.9454 3 19
coffee jelly recipe 880 2.6651 2 14
coffee mix 720 0.3858 100 49
coffee yogurt 720 4.1206 49 33
coffee jello 720 0.0696 18 24
coffee jobs 720 2.5091 11 22
coffee project 720 0.4494 2 19
coffee jitters 720 ~ 2 19
coffee chat 720 ~ 2 19
coffee printer 590 0.5958 100 48
coffee glass 590 1.0208 99 48
coffee 7 eleven 590 1.1826 16 18
coffee 101 590 ~ 5 20
coffee yelp 590 2.1157 3 19
coffee collective 590 ~ 1 19
coffee 3 in 1 480 0.3131 100 35
coffee jelly near me 480 2.7563 20 11
coffee belt 480 ~ 9 21
coffee and vanilla 480 0.8732 7 16
coffee 19 word cookies 480 ~ 1 6
coffee 13 word cookies 390 3.0997 5 7
coffee shops in korea 390 1.4623 1 6
coffee consumption by country 390 ~ 1 6
coffee jug 320 1.0866 100 49
coffee uses 320 0.1571 9 21
coffee underground menu 320 ~ 1 14
coffee 16 word cookies 320 ~ 1 6
coffee 18 word cookies 320 ~ 1 6
coffee 21 260 0.1773 82 43
coffee 14 word cookies 260 1.6376 10 9
coffee vanilla manga 260 ~ 8 16
coffee 4 word cookies 260 2.1492 5 7
coffee 01 word cookies 260 ~ 1 6
coffee and cake 260 ~ 1 14
coffee date tips 260 ~ 1 14
coffee king 210 1.1461 27 27
coffee zombie 210 ~ 10 21
coffee 5 word cookies 210 2.2442 4 7
coffee 2 word cookies 210 1.9658 2 6
coffee 85 210 3.4666 1 19
coffee 4 cups a day 210 ~ 1 6
coffee 20 word cookies 210 ~ 1 6
coffee 1 210 2.3612 1 19
coffee 05 word cookies 170 ~ 1 6
coffee 02 word cookies 170 ~ 1 6
coffee quotes tumblr 140 0.1141 5 15
coffee youtube 140 ~ 2 19
coffee to js 140 ~ 1 13
coffee yoga 110 5.0153 25 26
coffee 9 110 0.6502 14 23
coffee 3 110 2.0899 3 19
coffee 04 110 ~ 1 18
coffee 06 word cookies 110 ~ 1 5
coffee 3d art 90 0.4907 27 22
coffee 4 less 90 0.3219 24 21
coffee 05 90 2.2284 3 19
coffee 360 70 ~ 15 23
coffee 2 u 70 1.0915 12 17
coffee orange juice 70 ~ 7 16
coffee z 70 ~ 4 20
coffee q 70 ~ 1 19
coffee 09 word cookies 70 ~ 1 5
coffee 94 70 ~ 1 18
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coffee 434 50 ~ 4 20
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coffee zero 40 2.6171 67 39
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coffee 99 30 ~ 15 23
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Coffee Facts – Health Study

[Script From Video]

Three-quarters of American adults drink coffee. About half of which on a daily basis and that comes out to a million tons of coffee every year. Might there be grounds for concern? Population studies have found that coffee drinkers tend to have a lower risk of Parkinson’s, less prostate cancer, especially the women, less liver cancer, less diabetes, liver cirrhosis, depression among women, and a reduction in mortality overall.

Such that coffee drinkers tend to live longer than non-coffee drinkers, with mortality bottoming out at about four cups a day; but these are all just associations. You don’t know if its cause and effect until you put it to the test! For example, coffee really does seem to protect the liver and take people with chronic hepatitis and have them drink coffee or not for a month then switch them back and the coffee really did seem to help.

Similarly, a randomized Parkinson’s patients to get two cups of coffee worth of caffeine and get a significant improvement in movement symptoms or within three weeks. Runners randomized to drink coffee shaved about six seconds off their mile. Weightlifters are randomized a coffee can squat more weight about 600 pounds more worth of reps and not just athletic performance. A cup of coffee’s worth of caffeine can significantly improve IELT; which stands for intravaginal ejaculation latency time from 2 minutes all the way up to five. Unfortunately, those effectively randomized that births to genetically just have a higher predilection to drink coffee do not appear to be protected from diabetes, or depression, or Alzheimer’s, or obesity, or metabolic syndrome.

So it seems the protective associations may just be due to confounding factors like maybe those who drink coffee and just having to exercise more something. The same with prostate cancer no apparent cause and effect relationship and even the mortality benefit seemed to disappear. Even if a study did show coffee-drinking could extend lifespan by reducing inflammation or improving lung function or insulin sensitivity that would mean on average, I mean there is inter-individual variability after consumption of major plant food compounds. Meaning people may respond differently. For example how crazy is this in some rare individuals’ heavy use of caffeine apparently provokes sleepiness.

That’s an extreme example and most of the time it’s just that you know some individuals may benefit more than others from the health effects of different foods. For example, because of differences in gut bacteria, only a minority of Westerners may derive extra benefit from soy as I’ve described before. The most common difference in caffeine effects is that while most people metabolize caffeine rapidly certain gene variants in liver detox enzymes make some people slow metabolizers.

Might that make a difference? Well, habitual coffee consumption of at least 3 cups a day has been associated with uncontrolled blood pressure among older individuals diagnosed with hypertension. Suggesting that moderating coffee intake may be a good idea for some people, but even if it was a constant effect I mean that would be on average.

What would happen if you split people up by how fast they metabolize caffeine compared to coffee abstainers? Those who have impaired caffeine metabolism genes have an elevated risk of becoming hypertensive at you know 1 to 3 cups a day and especially at 4 or more. Okay but check this out, for the rapid metabolizers not only was there no excess risk at one of 3 cups, but heavy coffee drinkers were also protected meaning apparently the more coffee they drank the lower their risk.

How do we explain that well coffee is a complex blend of a vast number of different compounds? There are protective polyphenol antioxidants that are beneficial. Coffee beans are after all beans, well actually seeds; but seeds really help do on the other hand there is the caffeine that can spike adrenaline levels in the blood; but only if you’re a slow metabolizer. Rapid metabolizers can clear caffeine so fast there’s no increase in adrenaline even at you know four more cups a day. So then you just have the beneficial polyphenols that actually lower your blood pressure; hence the benefit overall thus there seems to be a Jekyll and Hyde aspect of coffee whose overall action on the cardiovascular system appears to be regulated by that gene for the enzyme that metabolizes caffeine.

The important question though is does it give women larger b’s? What? Young women who drink a lot of coffee and are rapid caffeine metabolizers have but half a baseball-sized larger b volume which may be a bad thing as b volume is associated with b cancer risk, but now the important question is what about heart attack risk? In slow metabolizers daily coffee consumption appeared to double the odds of a heart attack or even quadruple the odds at four cups a day. Whereas in the rapid caffeine metabolizes daily coffee consumption was protective cutting the odds of a heart attack by more than half or at least until you get up to four more cups a day.

The protective effects observed among rapid metabolizers suggests that the efficient elimination of caffeine might have unmasked the protective effects of other phytochemicals in coffee. No, we think it may be the adrenaline again since if you’re a slow metabolizer of adrenaline high coffee consumption may put you at risk as well. So is a coffee friend or foe and these studies suggest the possibility that slow caffeine metabolizers who consume caffeinated coffee may have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease worse fast caffeine metabolizers may be protected from this risk by the antioxidants and other beneficial compounds.

The protective effects observed among rapid metabolizers suggests that the efficient elimination of caffeine might have unmasked the protective effects of other phytochemicals in coffee. No, we think it may be the adrenaline again since if you’re a slow metabolizer of adrenaline high coffee consumption may put you at risk as well. So is a coffee friend or foe and these studies suggest the possibility that slow caffeine metabolizers who consume caffeinated coffee may have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease worse fast caffeine metabolizers may be protected from this risk by the antioxidants and other beneficial compounds.