Puppies for Sale – Know You’re Valuable Story

Puppies for Sale - Know You're Valuable Story
puppies for sale know you're valuable story

👉Puppies for Sale – Know You’re Valuable Story

A tremendous heartwarming story about knowing your value – Knowing your Worth!

The story is an exchange between a shop owner and a little boy who so desperately wants a puppy.

This video was the center point of my most recent blog. The article below in description…

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We’ve all heard the saying ”Know Your Worth,” which has been overused to the point that it’s become a cliche. The problem is that many people do not really know what it means or how to apply it to their lives. In the next section, I would like to share a story I recently heard and would love the opportunity for you to listen and read along.
✨Puppy Huskies for Sale Under 100 dollars – Know Your Worth Story
The shop owner put a sign on the front door, saying ’puppies for sale; because he knows it’ll get the attention of someone interested in a puppy!
A couple of hours later, a young man walks in. Asks the shop owner, ”Sir, how much are your puppies?” The shop owner says ”they’re between 30 and $50 a piece”.
The young man pulls out $2.50, and says ”I don’t have enough to buy one; but will this get me the opportunity to see one?”
The shop owner whistles and outcomes momma with five puppies trailing out behind her.
Boy just smiles, and then coming out the door… trailing behind them all is one that is dragging his leg and he’s not moving very fast.
The young man says, ” that’s the one I want”. Shop owner, says ”look I just can’t sell you that one. It has a bad hinge on its leg… just never operates right… and he will never be able to run, jump, or play like the rest of them.”
And the boy says, ”imma gonna give you $2.50 and I want you to take it. And I’m going to come in every week and I’m going give you 50 Cent until I paid full price for that dog.”
The shop owner says, ”Why would you want that animal?”
And then the boy bends over and rolls up his pant leg. When the shop owner sees that he has a metal leg.
And the boys say, ”You see, I don’t run, or jump or play very well. I think that puppy just needs somebody who understands him.”
“Until you value yourself, you won’t value your time. Until you value your time, you will not do anything with it.”– M. Scott Peck
✨So, what does ”know your worth” really mean?
The story and how it was expressed is very touching. I have worked with disabled children for quite a long time using a few different modalities such as Neurofeedback and Hypnotherapy. Depending on their particular struggles, some were quite apparent, while others hid them quite well.
The common theme with all of them is the fact that their smile would light up a room; Their hearts were so pure of joy… and their laugh so infectious that they would lift anyone’s spirit after a hard day. It was an indescribable feeling as if being around angles even if it was just for a moment. Society is too quick to toss them aside; but many caregivers, parents, and friends know their true value.
Knowing your worth is not always associated to your skills, talents, and abilities. Remember simply spending time with someone close to death is so invaluable (ie holding their hand) is more precious than anything at that moment as they face the next stage of life.
We Just Need Someone to Understand Us
Society measures your worth by your possessions, your job, and your physical appearance. You are treated by others, depending on how they see you in the light of those 3 factors. Yes, we are being judged over and over, and unjustly summarized by their opinions which eventually permeate into your mind like little annoying voices telling you to give up on your next venture or dance (All unrealistic visions of the true you).
Solving this internal fight and the impression of others is as simple as being realistic about who you are, your talents, and your goals. It is through knowing yourself, and acknowledging that you have value – NO MATTER WHAT OTHERS MIGHT SAY or think. At that point, you can plan accordingly to do what is necessary to shore up the belief of your true worth.
When you eventually acknowledge your own value, it becomes much harder for others to put false beliefs in you about who you are. This will inevitably increase your happiness, love, and even your future success…

👉👉Read the rest at: https://www.thejonathanalonso.com/puppy-huskies-for-sale-under-100-dollars-know-youre-valuable-story/

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